Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Legal Gun Owners?

My response to a Saint Pete Times editorial of May 30, 2009,

"Guns Don't Belong in National Parks"

Thank you Senator Tom Coburn.

While a long history of sniping attacks on the meaning and scope of the second amendment has resulted in a state of affairs where gun owners are commonly regarded today as less than mentally stable right wing nuts, you have had the courage to stand up and point out the necessity for the inclusion of this provision in our Constitution. Indeed, dating back to the Magna Carta and before that to The Assize of Arms, all free men should be required to 'bear arms' to 'provide for the common defense'. In the case of the Magna Carta that common defense even extends to the right and obligation to revolt against the King. Any King.
(Any of you liberals want to check how well this right worked for our founding fathers?)

While it nonetheless goes without saying that the individual bearing arms has a responsibility to use them well and with skill, the second amendment, notwithstanding the various illegal specific infringements, permits us to own and carry them anywhere we see fit. After all, the framers of our Constitution knew well that governments fear nothing so much as an armed populace.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Age Of Aquarius

That's what they say today is. If true, I suppose that the actual dawning is over at this point and the reality is here so, in case anybody is interested, I'm ready. Bring it on!

Remembering back into the fifth dimension and the message that 'peace will guide the planets, and love will rule the stars', I'm not sure of exactly how that translates into the third dimension where I live and substantively into something I can feel and touch and smell but I will say that I am encouraged.

Since being laid off again on February first, for the second time in the last two years, I will admit that I have steadily grown more despondent as the month waxed and demand for new houses and condos dwindled even farther down the toilet. No breaking news there for any of us similarly or associatively engaged but today things should change. Prosperity is here and if you check with the right sources. you will see that we are all set until the beginning of 2010. Wow!

Now I don't know about any of you but with the world scheduled to end on December 21, of 2012, I think we need all the prosperity we can get. So throw a party. Invite your friends and toast the planets (Jupiter and Mars if you don't know).

The key thing to remember about the Age of Aquarius is that change is coming. Boy, I know I've heard that somewhere before...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Comment to Conor Friedersdorf, C11 Editor at 'The Confabulum'

Dear Mister Friedersdorf,

It is worth commenting that if you were to look at me you would see a ‘white’ man. What that look would not disclose is a racial heritage that is quite probably common to many ‘white’ people.

My father was half American Indian and his grandmother was negro, Afro-Cuban if we want to get technical but me, well I can’t even keep a good tan. I’ve been working on one now for nearly 60 years and I think I may have it in another thirty or so but for now, all I can field is a dim summertime shading for my ‘poisonous tree toad whiteness’.
(No doubt due in some part to the Irish, German and English ancestors I also claim. Damn genetics! )

All kidding aside, it is easy to see where someone like me might have trouble identifying with a particular racial identity group.It should also be clear why I champion an attitude of judging people more by what they can do than by what color they are.

I will not attempt a claim that racism is not a factor in society but I do believe that if more people were aware of their ancestry, it might be something we could put into decline rather quickly since there are a lot of Americans just like me.

I applaud your effort here. RT

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