From February past and reprinted here:
You know I was talking with Lela the other day and she reminded me that we are almost out of the winter doldrums. Specially right now as we await the advent of Easter which as everyone in Florida knows means that the tourists will fly back north. Not quite as many of them this year due to the economic woes we all suffer under but some things are looking up and Lela has seen new people at The Studio. So I suppose that the season is almost official.
So, Spring has sprung here in Florida and the grass is almost riz but some of you might be sitting around wondering just how old that carpet in the living room is. Apart from short term memory loss the brown paths between your favorite chair and the refrigerator should be some sort of indication but when in doubt, the best plan is always to throw it out. That's where we can come to the rescue for any household and any budget.
With the advances in fibre technology today and the possibilities offered through solution dyed nylon, your new carpet, in a color that pleases every time you look at it is closer to a reality than just a distant dream.
So wander on down to the Lake Avenue Studio or maybe to your favorite home store and experiment with just how much envy you can wring out of your neighbors. And, the plus today is that in these down times you can do it for some very attractive prices.
Then you can sit back, enjoy a beer and wait for your dog to start scooting a new path.
What you should expect when you ask for editing
6 years ago