Recently I had occasion to read a column by Matt Barber, a constitutional law attorney and vice president of Liberty Counsel Action.
Mister Barber dedicated that column to a rant against Ron Paul and the Libertarian viewpoints that define Representative Paul.
Particularly, Mister Barber points out that Paul is lax on national defense and believes that Islamic terrorists, "...come here and want to do us harm because we’re bombing them."
Mister Paul is correct in that statement and you, Mister Barber, are and very far down the ladder of credibility in that you are unaware that the statement is substantively true.
These Islamic terrorists 'want to harm us' precisely because we are bombing them...and usurping their sovereignty, and 'dissing' them, to put things in the vernacular of the times.
I will admit that it goes back a least back to T.E Lawrence but we kicked things off from our side of the bench when we did it to Iran in 1953. That was when the CIA and Britain's MI6 overthrew the government of Mohammed Mossaddegh. Yeah, that's right, Mister Barber, forcible overthrow of a government we had earlier supported so that both we and Britain could reap oil profits from an industry that had been nationalized. I'm pretty sure that the Iranians remember the incident well, even if you have forgotten.
We followed up when we did it to Iraq in 1980 when, after supplying chemical weapons and other means of 'mass destruction' to Iraq, we again changed horses in midstream.
Back in the flying 80's, in order to justify our policy, we even removed Iraq from the state department list of 'State Sponsors of Terrorism' over the objection of General Alexander Haig, I might add. (Reagan and Bush#1 did that...unilaterally from the White House.)
We even made Saddam Hussein gifts of Anthrax and thirteen other agents with 'biological warfare significance'. There were also 'Bear Spares' for military equipment then under embargo from the supplier, the USSR. Then there was that award winning gesture of an expensive set of gold spurs from President Reagan, hand delivered by Donald Rumsfeld at the taxpayers expense. All that, as long as Saddam was supporting our cause against the evil Ayatollah in Tehran. Hell, the DIA was even planning daily operations to deliver those chemical weapons on target in Iran.
We turned on Saddam when it became apparent that Iraq would not repay the 14 billion dollars owed to Kuwait and he decided to annex the country instead.
We did it to Afghanistan' too. Remember Charlie Wilson? Yeah, we supplied all those warlords in Afghanistan with Stingers since they were fighting those godless communists. It even worked to a degree when the USSR pulled back to Moscow but then there was nothing to shoot at and so many missiles left to shoot and the United States was washing its hands free of Afghan dirt back in the waters of the Potomac.. What to do?
Well I suppose that terrorists could always be relied on as paying customers and I've been to Afghanistan, Mister Barber, they really don't have anything else to tout as a cash crop. So the Taliban took over along with their little sidekick bin Laden and we all know how that went.
So yes many third world and Islamic countries do hate us for our perfidy, but then that perfidy has long been the foundation of our foreign policy.
Elihu Root spelled it out back in 1922 when he advocated the 'self protection' scheme that was later converted by subsequent administrations into a policy of 'our economic welfare in America comes before anyone else's, anything else', and that doctrine, however laundered to support dictators from Mussolini to those in current events is diametrically opposed to the foundation principles of our country and the Libertarian Party of which Representative Paul is a member.
And still it is Ron Paul that you find dangerous?
You regard Ron Paul as dangerous for his Libertarian values in snapping off 'national defense' and 'social values' from Ronald Reagan's precious three legged stool, but what of that stool Mister Barber and your biased interpretation for the meaning of those legs?
On personal liberty:
See sections 1.0-1.4 of the Libertarian platform.
Try this quote... "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..." Remember that? 'All men...are...equal'. That means just what it says and I am no better than you, nor are you any better than anyone else. We are all equal and all Libertarians support that equality along with personal responsibility for our own actions.
On a strong National defense:
See sections 3.1, and 3.3 of the Libertarian platform. In particular note that the language employed in both sections is the same language imparted to our fledgling government by George Washington when he wisely counseled us to avoid 'entangling alliances'. Perhaps Uncle George was a Libertarian as well...or should we neither allow him to carve the turkey?
In closing I suggest that you take the world's smallest political quiz.Find it here: , from The Advocates for Self Government, and yes, they are a Libertarian organization.
Read more on Falwell Group: Ron Paul Is Dangerous
What you should expect when you ask for editing
6 years ago