As can be seen here, and from what has been referenced herein, this was originally written four short years ago. It was a time when the Red State Republicans routinely pounced upon any Yellow Dog Democrat for any reason, whether justified by birth, or race, or politics that had a liberal leaning, or, just as likely for no discernible reason whatever. .
The real lesson here is not so much what I wrote regarding the, then current election, as my reasoning behind the tactics that were employed. Here, as then, I have endeavored to show that the master of political propaganda is alive and well.(Even contrary to reports of his death.)
For your consideration this election cycle... :
The Poison Dwarf…Revisited
Sunday, October 21, 2012 to Today....Just a few short weeks until we all vote again.
Please Think!
And so...the election approaches...
"A lie, repeated enough times, becomes the truth…"
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep
repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be
maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the
political, economic and / or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes
vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth
is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Yes…a big lie, like the one I reference in the earlier article, repeated becomes believable to the point of supplanting the truth. Sure it does…That much from the poison dwarf, who, if nothing else, showed us just how successful such a tactic could be. So my mission here is to expose what is the real truth…and to ram it down anyone's throat who is too stupid to realize that they have been duped.
“Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer
the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has
its roots in the street.”
Have you seen something like this at work today? I must remark that back in the day, that was a recruitment call to enter the Sturm Abteilung. Their mandate, conquer and control the streets. The Brown Shirts did just that and look
at how things turned out for them...
To be sure, we don't call
these people' brown shirts' anymore. Politically correct is the dogma that rules our current times, and yet these same people are still out there, and still doing their best to
control the streets. Infiltrating the ranks of legitimate protest groups they
show up at town hall meetings,
shouting down anyone with opposing ideas. They stifle public debate. TEA PARTY?
They create so much disorder that no free discussion is possible and they do it
with impunity. And yet they are all still only tools, tools of their masters
just as were their predecessors in the SA. The real control of the streets
depends on the sponsor's agenda to steer the masses in the required direction.
Of course the sponsor is
Uncle Sam but today he works behind a screen that Cujo, hyped up on PCP,
couldn't get through on a bet. Toto wouldn't stand a chance and neither do many
of us. The screen is one of obfuscation, of deceit, of misrepresentation of
facts and the half truths of lies. Each of us who takes the 'blue pill' allows
that screen to remain in place.For the best current policy is to lie by telling ALL or PART of the TRUTH.
"To be perceived, propaganda must evoke the
interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting communications
medium. Think of the press as a
great keyboard on which the government can play.”
Ah, the press, the
venerable fourth estate, if you can define such hosts as the 'Honey Badgers' like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon, and we,
the television generation of couch potatoes are right where the press
wants us. So enter the talk show
phenomenon that guides our choices of candidates these days. More bread
and circuses. And not just pundits of TV, we can barely listen to AM
radio anymore so redolent with bias are the more vituperative and ill informed hosts.
Half facts, in support of moronic arguments abound to the point of
neausea, even in brief snippets as we surf for information. It should be
noted that these churlish masters of ceremony are the most popular in
their field. What does that say about the listening audience?
It would be comforting to believe that
reported occurrences were at least factual, but yellow journalism has a
long history here in these United States, where many of us are
descendants of the same whiskey drummers and bible salesmen who
pioneered concepts from Manifest Destiny to Madison Avenue. We all like a
good show and so we watch...and we listen as sound bites for the
intellectually uninvolved daily invade our thoughts. The sponsor's
agenda every time. And we buy it all. It is designed for us to do so.The master told us it would be.
"Propaganda must reinforce anxiety concerning the
consequences of defeat."
"It is not
propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success.”
So, why do I quote from the Nazi Minister of Propaganda after all these years? If you cannot answer that question, then you are prime fodder for the campaign excesses we witness daily in this year of 2016.
Labeling people with distinctive phrases like 'L'yin Ted' and 'Crooked Hillary'.' Easily learned and repeated'. 'A lie, repeated enough times becomes the Truth".
"Propaganda may be
facilitated by leaders with prestige."
Joseph Goebbels
Attack and never apologize.
A paraphrase perhaps and It does not matter whether that tactic has been learned from Roy Cohn or Joseph Goebbels. It is something that just works, and as noted by Dr. Goebbels, it works best on the less than educated segment of society. Those, particularly, that are easily led.
No, friends and neighbors, If you are wondering, on November ninth, what happened yesterday, I ask that you reflect on what is written here. As for me and mine, we are voting for Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. No, I do not agree with everything he says, nor do I believe that any candidate's promises will be realized during his term . It just does not happen.
Points to remember:
1. No!!! We are not going to build a wall around Mexico. Mexico is broke and only subsists on monies returned to that country by workers who are in America illegally. Any idiot knows that. It has been true since the 1860's.
2. These Mexican people are neither rapists nor murderers. They are people just like you and I who only want a better life for their children.
3. Immigration? The life's blood of a Republic is in its Immigration and therefore it's immigration policy. That much is incontrovertible and immutable. It has been true for all of our two hundred and forty years.
4. China? Please let's make a deal, please!!!, and one that works for both sides and is enforceable.
5. NATO? Absolutely. These so called allies have been on the gravy train long enough. On that I hope we can agree for George the first told ud in no uncertain terms 'Avoid entangling alliances'...
6.Russia, Think Back Mr. and Mrs. America. . Russia recognized the fledgling United States in the very early 1800's. Even before I was born. ( I have tools that old...if they could only talk.) I believe that Russia was second after France to do so, and so our histories are intertwined since well before the abortion of Cold War perpetuated by Stalin and Truman. The Northmen and we have a long history on this continent and today I personally know many former Soviet Bloc peoples. Trust me...they are just like us. All wanting to sleep out of the rain, eat two or three times a week and get laid occasionally. The Northmen really are good people and if you do your research may well have discovered this continent 500 years before Columbus.
Still, it cannot escape your ken that there is Much to be done. And so I ask that you read, that you be informed beyond the propaganda and that you vote your conscience. No one can ask more...
For the historian: Dr. Goebbels wrote more than twenty books. Researching them should be informative. It was for me.
By the way, it should not go without notice here that H.L.Mencken, writing for the Baltimore Evening Sun, told us that: